Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Flash Dabbling

I must say, I'm bad at Flash.  However, I'm confident that I've done this to the best of my abilities.  The hardest part was figuring out how to turn on Onion Skinning.  That basically leaves an outline of your previous frames so you can draw something similar in the next frame. It's hidden in the deep, dark little corner of screen below the timeline and not labeled.  It's only like ten pixels wide! But oh well. It's fine.

I'm most hard on myself about the fact that it doesn't make much sense.  What happens is, a zombie rises from the grave, is tripped by a bear trap, then gets shot by an archer. The archer then gets sucked into a demonic portal by lightning and disappeared. Yay!!!

Anyway here it is.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Flash Lesson Two

1. Mergeable shapes automatically merge if drawing on the same layer, drawing objects seem to be on their own separate layer but can be edited totally separately from the other drawn objects and mergeable shapes drawn so far.
2. The sub selection tool?
3. Isolating artwork gives greater control over what happens to each shape, allowing you to not merge the shapes together.  It also makes you be more organised.

This is what I could gather from the somewhat limited information given to me by the video.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Flash Lesson One

1. The tabs pannel works to open documents that were in the background.  File > Open works as well.
2. The properties pannel works to see information about a selected object.
3. Flash uses tweening animation.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Super Hero - The Head

Origin Stories for super-hero origin stories show us how people with extraordinary powers work to make extraodinary changes for good in the world.  Many of the people we now know as super heroes started as sub-par-zeroes that were changed permanently by trauma, destiny, or sheer chance.  These help us to cope with our own adversity.

Most of The Head’s pre-earth life is covered with blurry and conflicting details that usually cause more confusion and question than the amount of questions and inconsistencies they solve.  What we do know is recorded here with the most truthful versions of every piece of the story we could findThe head is actually two different beings.  He was born into the Vas' Attay band of shapeshifters on another plane of existence in the multiverse.  He was originally named in the Attayan language a word which meant roughly, Cat.  Cat grew up in a world where he knew he was different.  Most shapeshifters where unable to transform into living things, but Cat could choose any form that pleased him.  He usually, and unsurprisingly, took a feline form.  As he grew older, the technology of his world grew until it caused those who wielded it to no longer be satisfied with what they had.  So they charged from their citys into the grasslands of Vas' Attay where they slew everyone that stood in their path.  One day in a fight with a Wielder of Technology, Cat became injured.  He fled and his entire tribe was slaughtered.  Nothing could describe his grief.
He walked down the streets of their cities in the form of a Wielder.  Since the shapeshifters were immortal, he stayed in the city for hundreds of years.  He read in newspaper, then heard on radios, then watched on TV, as the last of his race were exterminated.  He begged for his food, and was frequently beaten up by gangs.  He was on his last legs of life. One of those days he was stabbed and beaten up so ruthlessly that he thought he would die.  When he was just about to die, he involuntarily changed shape and became a cat.  He was taken to a “hospital” to be studied.There they were just developing a method of Soul Transference where you could be moved from you body into another body in another plane of existence.  This procedure only worked on shapeshifters, who’s souls were easily stripped from their bodies.Cat was transferred into our realm, in 1700’s America near the Mississippi River.  He ended up in the body of a man just about to be executed. As the man was executed, Cat attemted to change shape, but too late.  Most of the body he was inhabiting died, leaving only it’s head. The Head found his name here.He used his ghastly appearance to help American Indians, who were the only ones who believed his tale. Today he still helps the misunderstood or those who are taken advantage of.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Pencil Pup, the Ad Replication of the Nation! (With alliteration!)



Mostly I did a lot of masking.  Personally, I like mine better, except that the pencil tip is pretty horrible.  I almost think that the whole thing would look better with worse resolution so that the dog would blend better with the pencil.  The hardest part was A) Finding the correct dog breed B) getting rid of the background behind the dog C) The shadows

Friday, February 14, 2014

Pen tool character

This is my pen tool character.  His name is Cerberus.  I know, original name, but whatever.  Anyway, what I found most difficult about the pen tool was making shapes that weren't just going to be filled with color, because I wanted to make lines.

Cerberus was a man at some point, as were all the creatures in the Abyss, the place in which rivers of tumbling rocks flow, and gigantic mountains of quicksand are the only brief respite from the raging, blood covered rapids below.  Cerberus, in life was a man who was proof that even the proudest can be brought to their knees by others.  He was once the most moral senator in all the country, however, the lobbyists brought him down into party rivalries, and their world of corruption.  He would always obey the higher ups will, and now he will spend eternity as a dog in the Abyss.